Title: Halq (As part of Ghost Stories Program)
Year: 2009
Duration: 2 hour performance

From Ghost Stories statement:

"Through a series of resonant performances, Ghost Stories explores the relationship of the body to questions of cultural memory and consciousness. Revealing how personal, historical and collective memories of colonization and marginalization are latent with postures and inflexions of the body. Ghost Stories unpack the multiple valences of diasporic identities. Histories of oppression, issues of abjection, self-alienation, apparitions of social and cultural pasts are some of the themes. The experience of identity manifests itself to be a crisis of unconsciousness – partially embodied knowledge, of forgotten truths and body memory. In Ghost Stories artists transform the everyday functional spaces with transient and compelling performances to evoke a sense of the uncanny and familiar spaces we have visited before."

Performed at 

Nuit Blanche
Invited by South Asian Visual Arts Centre SAVAC
Toronto, Canada

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